Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I was inproved my snowboarding skills and.....

On 26, March, I went to COP with my friends. That was my last snowboarding in Canada..

So, I took some movies in order to remember at that time. This movie was taken by Jin.

While I was riding a snowboarding, I tried to jump. The jumping called the ollie. So, I did two times on the slope.

Before coming here, I couldn't do it. I didn't it. However, I tried to that skill in Canada. And then I accomplished it. My snowboarding skill was improved in Canada.. As well I can do another skill that it is switch.

I recommend that skills because there are basic skills. If you are intermediate, how about tring that skills. It is very easy and cool. But, you also have to notice about it. First of all, you have to wear a helmet certainly, and then you'd better to try them. When I tried to do that skill and jumping, I fell down on the snow. I hurt my light shoulder and face. I'm still sick that parts.

Second, you should be over intermediate boarder. If you are beginner, you shouldn't try it.

I want to try snowboarding one more time, but I've got a sick now. Also, I will leave from Canada on 15th, April. I don't have enough time.

Next season, I'm going to try that snowboarding with my family in Korea. So, I think I will be able to teach my sibling better.

Anyway, I'll miss my foreign friends and Canada.

Good-Bye Canada~ and mt dear friends...