Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I was inproved my snowboarding skills and.....

On 26, March, I went to COP with my friends. That was my last snowboarding in Canada..

So, I took some movies in order to remember at that time. This movie was taken by Jin.

While I was riding a snowboarding, I tried to jump. The jumping called the ollie. So, I did two times on the slope.

Before coming here, I couldn't do it. I didn't it. However, I tried to that skill in Canada. And then I accomplished it. My snowboarding skill was improved in Canada.. As well I can do another skill that it is switch.

I recommend that skills because there are basic skills. If you are intermediate, how about tring that skills. It is very easy and cool. But, you also have to notice about it. First of all, you have to wear a helmet certainly, and then you'd better to try them. When I tried to do that skill and jumping, I fell down on the snow. I hurt my light shoulder and face. I'm still sick that parts.

Second, you should be over intermediate boarder. If you are beginner, you shouldn't try it.

I want to try snowboarding one more time, but I've got a sick now. Also, I will leave from Canada on 15th, April. I don't have enough time.

Next season, I'm going to try that snowboarding with my family in Korea. So, I think I will be able to teach my sibling better.

Anyway, I'll miss my foreign friends and Canada.

Good-Bye Canada~ and mt dear friends...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'll introduce my niece~^^

This is my niece. She was born on 15, Sep, 2006. So, she is 18 months so far.

Almost my relatives say that she looks like me. Because she has dimples, thin lip, and resemble my face form. I think so too, but she is a girl. I'm just sorry to her. kkk...

When this took picture, I was staying in Canada. Also, when I left from Korea, she was very short and too young^^. So, when I saw this picture, I really surprised it. She's growed up too much.

I have just one niece. So, I really like her. Originally, I didn't like kids because they make some noise and crying very well.

However, I changed my mind. while she was growing, I became to like baby or kids. But I still don't like noisy kids.

This picture is my niece's first birthday picture.
When she took this picture, I wasn't in Korea. Because I was staying in the Philippines, as well, I didn't go to her first birthday. I'm still sorry her and my sister.

I'm going back to Korea soon, so I'll buy some gifts for my niece. Yesterday I called with my sister. I heard who is growing very well.
I want to see her recent pictures. My sister will upload soon, so I'm looking forward to see them. Also, My brother got married last September. So, I'm expected to see brother's child.kkk

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Last year Vacation...

Before came in Canada, I went to the Philippines.
Left picture is in Bohol island, the Philippines.
Do you happen to know Chocolate hill?? There is the Chocolate hill, but you aren't be able to see there because this picture is nothing its...
There are a lot of mountains. The mountains look like chocolate. It doesn't have trees. It is just soil and rocks. I think that was based on volcano. So, I took picture in front of them...

Do you happen to know Jeepney? Jeepneys are a popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. They have also become a symbol of Philippine culture. So, You can see many jeepneys in the Philippine. I took picture in front of that in Bohol island.

The Philippine is famous from a lot of beaches because the country made of over 1000 islands.
I went to the beach with my Korean frind and Pilippines' friends.
There are so cool, beautyful, and surprising~~^^

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I went to Banff ..

Last friday, I went to Banff with friends of school. I stayed there for two days. First at all, we took a gondola for going to top of the Locky Mountain. The gondola was very narrow and looking dangerous. At the top of Mt, I was really surprised that the Mts were so beautiful, huge, and fantastic~... So, we took a lot of pictures with my friends there. I thought I really decided well about going to Banff. I went to there two weeks ago with bill's friends, but I wasn't able to see many sceneries. I extremely enjoyed.

This picture is created.. no real, no fight^^. I think it is a good capture.

I'm sorry just I did cute action kkk. This picture was taken by Jin. There was in gondola.

I was going to top of Mt for riding a snowboarding. There is Lake Louise Ski slope. Perhaps there will be better place than Sun Shine Village. Just my opinion...^^

I want to go to there again definitely. If you don't go to there, I'll recommend there. There are quite long slope and good sceneries. You can see the Lake Louise at there as well.^^

Friday, February 15, 2008

Let's snowboard~

Back in Korea, I went to snowboard two times.
After than, I came to Canada in winter. Here is extremely good snowboarding place.
I have been to ride snowboarding about over ten time in Canada.
Left picture is Sun Shine Village in Banff. At that time, The weather was very cold and snowing.
But, there were all natural snow, so although I fell down on field, I didn't sick my body.
Also, I bought the Sun Shine Village saving card because I'm going to go there many times. But now I just tried to go there two times.
Who wants to go with me? If you want to go to Sun Shine Village, let's go together. If you are first time, I will teach you. Eventhough my ablity isn't very well, I can teach really hard. Join us~ Join us~^^
Right picture took at COP. There are near from U of C.
I usually go to COP with my friends on everythursday. Of course I go to COP after school. So, that picture took at the night. COP finish at 9 PM. If you take the bus, be careful the last bus is at 9:10PM. Ah,,, the bus number is 408.
I think nowaday is really good weather, so you will be good chance now.
If you don't have friend with kkk, please ask me. Then you need some money. If you have equipments, just you need $15. The lift ticket cost is $15 on wednesday and thursday.
I think I'm improving my snowboarding skill.
Let's go to snowboard~~
Snowboarding in Canada is really fantastic^^.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Push my limit in my life....

When I was a solder, I had had a hard training. The training name was an attack by a mobile unit (We say, "Yu keuk.")
The training's goal was push myself limits. The contents of the training were climbing mountain, entering the gas chamber, falling at the top place, tightrope working and so on. It was really challing.
I had been training for one week. The season was in summer. So it was so hot~m.m;;
We had to even march for nine hours until arrived there. For the march, I got a blister on my feet. As well the blister had burst. We sat down plump on the spot as aoon as we arrived there. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take a rest for a enough time. We changed a training suit of each one. Then we had directly the hard training.
In addition, after the training, I had to only take a shower for two minutes. We were likely to become insane. I was so sad and hard. I quite missed my family and my home.
However, I knew that mybody and mental were really strong after the training. Eventhough it was very hard, I was satisfied with the training. It was good experience to me.
Fanally, It had been one of pushing my limits.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kristi is the best teacher..(joke^^)

She is my writing teacher. She is very beautiful and pretty..^^..
Her English is absolutely good~ and extremelly nice..
But, she is taller than me T.T;;kkk