Friday, February 15, 2008

Let's snowboard~

Back in Korea, I went to snowboard two times.
After than, I came to Canada in winter. Here is extremely good snowboarding place.
I have been to ride snowboarding about over ten time in Canada.
Left picture is Sun Shine Village in Banff. At that time, The weather was very cold and snowing.
But, there were all natural snow, so although I fell down on field, I didn't sick my body.
Also, I bought the Sun Shine Village saving card because I'm going to go there many times. But now I just tried to go there two times.
Who wants to go with me? If you want to go to Sun Shine Village, let's go together. If you are first time, I will teach you. Eventhough my ablity isn't very well, I can teach really hard. Join us~ Join us~^^
Right picture took at COP. There are near from U of C.
I usually go to COP with my friends on everythursday. Of course I go to COP after school. So, that picture took at the night. COP finish at 9 PM. If you take the bus, be careful the last bus is at 9:10PM. Ah,,, the bus number is 408.
I think nowaday is really good weather, so you will be good chance now.
If you don't have friend with kkk, please ask me. Then you need some money. If you have equipments, just you need $15. The lift ticket cost is $15 on wednesday and thursday.
I think I'm improving my snowboarding skill.
Let's go to snowboard~~
Snowboarding in Canada is really fantastic^^.


Kristi said...

That'a awesome! The last time I went night skiing, I was a teenager. It looks like so much fun! How does the skiing/snowboarding in Canada compare to Korea? Better? Worse?

David said...

hi eugene i want to go to sunshine, i went there and was really fun. i love to be in the top of the mountain.

i hope one day we can go togather.

pleas tell me when are you going to go again. I want to do snowboarding.

Eugene said...

Of course Canada is super better than Korea, but just COP is worse. Almost our skiing slopes are articial, so no natural....
I'm experiencing nature snow slope in Canada.

JIN said...

Thank you for teaching snowboard.
I can ride snowboard though you.
I want to ride snowboard on powder snow.
It will be great!!
I'll take your riding on snowboard someday.^^

Marcia said...

Hi Eugene,
Are you going to Fernie Ski trip?
I hope you can enjoy and have a lot of fun.