Sunday, February 10, 2008

Push my limit in my life....

When I was a solder, I had had a hard training. The training name was an attack by a mobile unit (We say, "Yu keuk.")
The training's goal was push myself limits. The contents of the training were climbing mountain, entering the gas chamber, falling at the top place, tightrope working and so on. It was really challing.
I had been training for one week. The season was in summer. So it was so hot~m.m;;
We had to even march for nine hours until arrived there. For the march, I got a blister on my feet. As well the blister had burst. We sat down plump on the spot as aoon as we arrived there. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take a rest for a enough time. We changed a training suit of each one. Then we had directly the hard training.
In addition, after the training, I had to only take a shower for two minutes. We were likely to become insane. I was so sad and hard. I quite missed my family and my home.
However, I knew that mybody and mental were really strong after the training. Eventhough it was very hard, I was satisfied with the training. It was good experience to me.
Fanally, It had been one of pushing my limits.



If we are korean men, we have to get military service. i also have gotten military service.

I had a great time at that time.
so i didn't regret.

I sometime missed the time..

thank you for your picture to remind a old time.

JIN said...

Bro! How was your training? I think that it was very difficult. But I sometime missed the time...too;; like bill. I think that all of korea men think so. Anyway~! Nice to meet you in calgary!

Vitor said...

Your picture is very cool mam,,,
You are so friendly, but ou looke very dangerous in the picture. wow!!
What do you think about go COP tomorrow?

See you

Kristi said...

Wow! I wouldn't last 2 mintues. You are so brave!! Now you know that when you set your mind to something, you can do anything!!! You are much stronger because of all your experiences...

JINO said...

haha... What was your mission?
I was a military driver. So I didn't experience mobile training.
How was it? haha~ And how about march? I think they will help your life.